En la asignatura “Teoría y Práctica de la Regeneración Urbana en el marco europeo” del #MUPUT nos sumaremos a la iniciativa World Wide Teach-In on Climate and Justice del Center for Environmental Policy (Bard Colleage) que propone desarrollar de manera contemporánea formación sobre #CambioClimático en muchos lugares del mundo (ver mapa).

Esta acción tiene lugar dentro de las actividades del #AulaDeResilienciaUrbana, coordinado por la Prof. Sonia De Gregorio Hurtado.
Nos sumaremos a la iniciativas con el tema del programa sobre la introducción de la mitigación y la daptación al cambio climático en la regeneración urbana:

Urban Regeneration and Climate Action. Advancing towards regenerative neighbourhoods
The class will focus on the relevant issue of Climate Change and local climate action. In the current framework European cities are not expanding and the attention of urban planners, decision-makers and other stakeholders is being importantly redirected from urban expansion to the improvement of the existing city. Within this framework Urban Regeneration emerges as a relevant public policy as it is particularly aimed to improve the situation of the most vulnerable neigbourhoods in cities. We argue that this policy domain presents a lot of potential to advance to just cities that, at the same time, are able to mitigate climate change and develop adaptive local action.
The event is particularly aimed to provide a space within the activities of Aula de Resiliencia Urbana in which undergraduated and master students in ETSAM are provided basic knowledge on the issue and a framework in which they can reflect and debate on this issue.